Paul baker constructed sculptures san francisco
Title: Landing Alignment Computer (Aztec Station)
Year: 2006
Dimensions: Length: 7 feet
Ostensibly about aliens building pyramids to help land their flying saucers, actually about communicating with whatever is alien—or foreign—to us in any sense of the word.
Title: Landing Alignment Computer (Aztec Station)
Year: 2006
Dimensions: Length: 7 feet
Ostensibly about aliens building pyramids to help land their flying saucers, actually about communicating with whatever is alien—or foreign—to us in any sense of the word.
Jade ball court, plaza, and pyramid
Reflecting pool for signaling the skies
Descending, awaiting alignment
Petrified mammoth tusk and mica sheet blast gates
Aztec child’s science fair project (pre-Cortez)
Hidden chamber with initiation powders