Paul baker constructed sculptures san francisco
Title: Beauchamp A. Pettibone, Esq.
Year: 2020 and 2023
Dimensions: 52” wide x 44” high x 20” deep (includes both sides)
Built from scratch, a travel trunk for the fictional character of Beauchamp, embarking on the Grand Tour in 1893, from London to Constantinople. The piece is about exploration—of both foreign lands and oneself.
Title: Beauchamp A. Pettibone, Esq.
Year: 2020 and 2023
Dimensions: 52” wide x 44” high x 20” deep (includes both sides)
Built from scratch, a travel trunk for the fictional character of Beauchamp, embarking on the Grand Tour in 1893, from London to Constantinople. The piece is about exploration—of both foreign lands and oneself.
Beauchamp had two trunks custom-made in London—one (vertical) for clothing, one (horizontal) for camera gear. Unfortunately en route, the trunk with all his camera equipment was stolen. The entire premise of this sculpture is that he makes novel use of his remaining trunk—displayed here open and correctly vertical.
Beauchamp, an avid amateur photographer, builds himself five cameras from parts scrounged during visits to the Grand Bazaar. He has converted his travel trunk to a neatly fitted-out camera storage unit.
He explores local ruins, drinking tea and making measured drawings with surveying gear. An accomplished draftsman, his sketches capture mood and memory—one theme of this piece.
Ever resourceful, Beauchamp mixes chemicals and develops his film in a sterling silver cocktail shaker. The Gordon’s Gin bottle holds fixer.
The Duck Foot Camera. One of his most popular creations, it’s made from a nickel-plated music box found in the bazaar. The container flips open to hold sheet film for a single shot.
Watercolor and ink; a concept sketch for the piece made two years before construction started.