Paul baker constructed sculptures san francisco
Title: Chiffriermaschinen (Enigma Machine)
Year: 2004
Dimensions: 27” high
Borrowing the visual language of WW II Germany’s coding device—the famous “Enigma Machine”—the sculpture explores the different types of messages sent between man and women. Some are obvious, some are missed, many are misinterpreted.
Title: Chiffriermaschinen (Enigma Machine)
Year: 2004
Dimensions: 27” high
Borrowing the visual language of WW II Germany’s coding device—the famous “Enigma Machine”—the sculpture explores the different types of messages sent between man and women. Some are obvious, some are missed, many are misinterpreted.
Vitrine, plus Female side with warm earth colors
Radar, in the sights
Code input
The cockpit, Male side, with cool colors
Braille encoder from a Super 8 projector (sight becomes touch)